ERP: Cars travelling though an electronic road pricing gantry near the State Courts on 13 July 2016.
Motorists have not had to pay ERP (Electronic Road Pricing) fees for three months now, but that will change next week.
From Monday July 27, selected gantries on the Central Expressway (CTE) will once again be levying ERP charges.
On the southbound stretch of the CTE before Braddell Road, motorists will have to pay $1 between 8am to 9am.
And on the northbound stretch, motorists will be levied $1 if they drive past the two gantries located after the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE) between 6pm to 7pm.
ERP rates at all other time periods on the CTE, as well as at all other gantries will remain at $0 until the next rate review.
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) says this move is a response to the build-up of traffic during weekday peak hours, as more and more people have returned to their workplaces.
LTA will continue to monitor traffic speeds and congestion levels and will adjust the frequency of rate reviews depending on the ground situation.
From the next rate review onwards, rate reviews will be conducted every five weeks.
The outcome of the next rate review will be announced in the fourth week of August 2020. The appropriate ERP rates, if any, will take effect from 31 August 2020.
3 ways to avoid ERP fines